BARK-iNN-a home away from home, best dog care , mumbai
dogs, pets, BARK-iNN, bark inn, bark-inn, dog day care, dog hostel, dog boarding, kennels, Mumbai, Powai, Shwetali Mulik, India, dog, puppy, dog boarding mumbai, dog lover, doggie day care, doggy, doggie, dogs of mumbai, dogs of powai, bourbon, bourbon mulik, figo, figo mulik, sherry, sherry mulik, best, paws, dogs are family,
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How It Works

  • 1

    Meet & Greet

    Meet & Greet

    A no-pressure meeting with the dog and the parents, is scheduled to assess the behavior of the dog, and also as an introduction with the dog and the parents and to the place.

  • 2

    Register & Book

    Register & Book

    Provide relevant information about your dog and you, and request a booking as per your requirements, via our online booking system.

  • 3

    Relax & Enjoy

    Relax & Enjoy

    We will keep you posted during your time away, with regular updates on your dog.

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