BARK-iNN | Dog Bless
BARK-iNN-a home away from home, best dog care , mumbai
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Purchasing from pet stores

or breeders,

only endows the dividends churned out of

an abominable trade

and hence fortifies the

prevailing conditions of abuse

and inhumane operations

and noxious conditions of

puppy mills.

Puppies which cannot be sold

or are unfit are

killed in the most

nefarious ways.

They are sold as early as

when they are barely a month

with insufficient

early pup-pup and

pup-mother socializations,

and are not house broken,

nor chewtoy-trained.

Hence, many times because of

lack of provisions for the

puppy’s emotional needs,

of all-important

socialization schedule,

and of the level of

doggy expertise

in each household,

they are considered as an

inconvenience and

are rid away by either

abandoning or rehoming.

Click here for more information on puppy mills.

Intact dogs many a times

indulge in “accidents”,

leading to an increase in

fortuitous pregnancies or

are home-bred and in-bred

without proper

breeding proficiency,

resulting in puppies with

genetic defects.

Dogs are abandoned mostly

due to migration to

foreign lands,

divorce,old age of a dog or

simply the inability to cope with

the regular/veterinary/grooming


Such dogs lack the potential to

survive on the streets and

are often casualities to

hit and run or

dog fights or

sheer human apathy.

There are kill shelters too and

those unfortunate to have not

found a new home are

put on death row.

When the purchasing stops,

the breeding stops,

the cruelty stops.

When you adopt, you do not

expend as much as

purchasing from a pet store

or a breeder.

You could opt for an older dog


avoid the tedious training routine

if it would be a puppy or

for an Indian dog

who are more adapted to

the local climatic conditions

more than any other breed.

You will receive the same

unconditional love and

unflinching loyalty

as from a purchased dog,

whether a young or old dog.

Most importantly,

You save a life.

Dont shop, please adopt.

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Lend A Paw

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